126: Light Language TikTok (feat Mallory DeMille)

Listeners: today’s episode marks a turning point for us all here at Conspirituality HQ.

Humbled by a recent quantum download, we realize that we have for too long been relying on our critical faculties. For too long we have insisted that words mean things. Our poisoned irony has calcified our throat chakras and burned your ears to the point you may never trust a spiritual influencer again.

Today we release our addiction to meaning, our fetish for precision in words. We begin to trust the inner babbler of heart-language. We hearken to the oracles, the speakers in tongues, the oompa loompa doompety doos, the glossalalics who trimper the ainions with seedgly refurns. Our hope is that with their help, we can begin to scrize the colong of wolfile stenoses.

But we cannot enter this new world of activated communication alone. Our guide today is correspondent Mallory DeMille, who comes to us from the land of TikTok, where Light Language has gone viral, and is making bank, bank, bankity bing bong bank.

Show Notes

Mallory on Instagram | Twitter

Kundun - Nechung oracle

Blonk performs Ursonate with real-time typography

Sofia for anxiety: Reply to @jennam1127 anxiety relief

Sofia: “Removing Darkness”

Sofia helping with everyone’s kidneys

Sofia’s light language was “opened up” by ayahuasca

Sofia has her activations turned into tie dye wraps so awesome

“Become a Light Language Practitioner” with Sofia

Sofia provides light language for loneliness

Sheryl presents: Light Language Love

Sheryl needs you to sit TF down

Sheryl’s waiver

Lily on how to unlock your light language potential

Lily’s fee

Daniel’s gonna get you HIGH

Conspirituality Podcast

Conspirituality is a study of converging right-wing conspiracy theories and faux-progressive wellness utopianism.


127: Doing Good in Impossibly Bad Times (w/Rebecca Carter-Chand, Mark Roseman & Peter Staudenmaier)


125: Deliver Us From “Evil” (w/Amy Berg)