196: Julian Goes to the New Age Expo!

For 22 years, astrologers, channelers, and UFO enthusiasts have run booths next to crystal healers, purveyors of esoteric books and pseudoscience products, and paranormal enthusiasts at Los Angeles’s Airport Hilton. More recently, this event—the Conscious Life Expo—has increasingly featured speakers spouting red-pilled conspiracy theories about COVID, vaccines, and the Satanic alien reptilian cabal coming for your children.

To get an insider’s view, Julian donned his gray baseball camp and grabbed his recorder to do his own research on the latest iteration of conference room conspirituality.

Show Notes

Introduction to CymaTones cymatic sound therapy 

Activate your Pineal Gland: An introduction to your third eye and exercises to awaken the higher mind: Ruehlig, Bianca 

Shawn Buckley, Trucker Lawyer  

Ottawa's use of Emergencies Act against convoy protests was unreasonable, violated Charter, court rules

Conspirituality Podcast

Conspirituality is a study of converging right-wing conspiracy theories and faux-progressive wellness utopianism.


Brief: The God Pivot: Rogan, Brand, & Huberman


Brief: The CPAC Pope and the Icicle Babies (w/ Brad Onishi)