202: Steve Hassan and the Trans Cult Conspiracy Theory

“Cult expert” Steve Hassan has been publicly concerned with the complex sociology of trans youth since 2020. We track that interest back to his communications with gender critical activists in 2017, who reached out to him because they believed that his cult theory could shed light on what they believed were nefarious aspects of the trans awareness movement. In the spirit of helpfulness, but without any chops in the subject, he stepped up to the plate and started swinging.

Regardless of how earnest or paranoid his concern is, his access to this landscape has been bought with his intellectual legacy, and been filtered through networks that question trans identity altogether. His most inflammatory (but also silly) claim is that many young people are being hypnotized by online pornography and influenced by social media groups to the extent they inexorably choose medical transition. We investigate and analyze this unfortunate skid into the culture war mud.

Hassan has stated at length his opposition to the “cancel culture” he believes is directed at Rowling and himself. This episode is not that. It’s a sober evaluation of legacy, disciplinary overreach, and what better public intellectual engagement would look like.

Show Notes

Final Report – Cass Review 

Full article: The Cass Review: Cis-supremacy in the UK’s approach to healthcare for trans children 

The Cass Report – A Briefing | TransActual 

A Teen Gender-Care Debate Is Spreading Across Europe 

Ethical concerns raised on Steven Hassan’s book on cults

The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: Robert Jay Lifton and Bill Moyers on “A Duty to Warn” 

Hassan July 2020 thread  

"Conversion Therapy" is Dangerous and Abusive - Freedom of Mind Resource Center 

Unveiling Scientology: Insights from Denise Brennan 

Denise Brennan, 1952-2014: A former insider who exposed Scientology’s corporate shell game | The Underground Bunker

Evangelical Support of Trump, Authoritarian Politics, and Transitioning: A Discussion With Chrissy Stroop, Ph.D. - Freedom of Mind Resource Center 

Lisa M. Marchiano, LCSW | Gender Analysis 

Full article: Outbreak: On Transgender Teens and Psychic Epidemics 

Full article: Transgender Children: The Making of a Modern Hysteria 

Gender detransition: a case study - Marchiano - 2021 - Journal of Analytical Psychology

Lobotomy: The rise and fall of a miracle cure | 4thWaveNow (TW: transphobia)

Parent reports of adolescents and young adults perceived to show signs of a rapid onset of gender dysphoria | PLOS ONE 

Correction: Parent reports of adolescents and young adults perceived to show signs of a rapid onset of gender dysphoria | PLOS ONE

Rapid onset gender dysphoria: what we know about the term amid JK Rowling trans row 

Abigail Shrier’s Irreversible Damage: A Wealth of Irreversible Misinformation | Science-Based Medicine 

ROGD Statement — Coalition for the Advancement & Application of Psychological Science 

Evidence Undermines 'Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria' Claims | Scientific American 

Shupe email leak highlights 

Steven Hassan Twitter thread 2

Elisa Shupe: Setting the Record Straight

The making of a detransitioner | Xtra Magazine 

Did Lisa Marchiano Invent “Transgender Social Contagion” and “No Transition Before Age 25”? | by Julia Serano | Medium

Foundations of the Contemporary Anti-LGBTQ+ Pseudoscience Network  

Detransition needs further understanding, not controversy | The BMJ 

Why detransitioners are crucial to the science of gender care — Reuters

Anti-trans activist Posie Parker says women who stand in her way will be 'annihilated' 

Posie Parker departs New Zealand; JK Rowling blasts protest as 'repellent' | RNZ News 

JK Rowling's New Friends — Shaun

Transgenderism must be eradicated” — Knowles

Rightwing pundit warns listeners about "hypnosis" adult content that's turning men trans - LGBTQ Nation

Andrea Long Chu on Desire, Weak Love, and Modern Trans Identity ‹ Literary Hub  

Raichik on Carlson

Conspirituality Podcast

Conspirituality is a study of converging right-wing conspiracy theories and faux-progressive wellness utopianism.


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