85: Gaia Buys Yoga International, Stocks Rise on Uranus

On the day after the Winter Solstice, as the world tucked in for an Omicron staycation, a news flash came over the wire. Yoga International—one of the largest yoga media companies in the world—had been acquired by Gaia—one of the largest pseudoscience, pseudointellectual, conspiracy theory platforms in the world. While the CEO of Yoga International immediately assured nervous content providers that the platform will remain editorially independent, only time will tell.

What we do know is that countless print articles written by earnest yogis and thousands of hours of classes created by earnest yoga instructors will now share space with David Icke, an antisemitic conspiracy theorist who believes lizard people have coopted world governments—and that’s only the start.

The acquisition predicts even more brain-melting in yogaland, exposing even more vulnerable and credulous seekers to a dumpster fire of meaning dressed up in a simulation of spirituality. Julian covers some Gaia history. Derek makes us suffer through some Gaia content. Matthew opens by tracking the century-long descent of yoga media to this conspiritualistic nadir.

Show Notes

Rob Price Interview on Gaia and Conspiracy Theories

Gaia Acquires Yoga International, a Leading Digital Yoga Service

Yoga guru in compromising position / Celebrity instructor Rodney Yee faces allegations of misconduct with students

The Case against Swami Rama of the Himalayas

How to Respond to Sexual Abuse Within a Yoga or Spiritual Community

Conspirituality Podcast

Conspirituality is a study of converging right-wing conspiracy theories and faux-progressive wellness utopianism.


86: Charles Eisenstein, New Age Q


84: Red State Christians (w/Angela Denker)