9: Ableism in Conspiracy Theories (w/Jivana Heyman)

Percolating alongside racism and classism, one of the most pernicious subtexts of conspirituality propaganda is ableism. Proponents spout accusatory mantras like: “You have an immune system!,” “You’d have nothing to worry about if you were vegan!,” and, of course, “Living in fear is the real cause of disease.”

Not only do these ideas have nothing to do with virology, they also condemn everyone who is immuno-compromised, living in a food desert, or managing trauma to the margins. COVID-19 has exposed the ugliest secret of wellness culture: the glorification of the self over concern about the community.

None of this is news for disability activists. In this episode, Matthew interviews Jivana Heyman, founder of Accessible Yoga and longtime AIDS activist, about walking the anti-conspirituality line between yoga and public health. Heyman also reveals how the past and present intersect in Tony Fauci, a leading figure in AIDS research during Reagan’s tenure who is now being muzzled by Trump.

In This Week in Conspirituality, Julian looks at the fear of death through the lens of Ernest Becker and Joseph Campbell, Derek discusses free speech after Twitter removes 7,000 QAnon accounts, and Matthew tries to empathize with the “awakened” aspect of conspirituality, i.e., What have they woken up to?

Show Notes

A Force In The Universe: Brad Ramsey

Advanced A Asthanga practice video with Pattabhi Jois

The Prophecies of Q

Twitter Removes Thousands Of QAnon Accounts, Promises Sweeping Ban On The Conspiracy

What Does Free Speech Mean?

As Predicted: Parler Is Banning Users It Doesn’t Like

Statistics & Information on Childhood Sexual Abuse

Matthew’s tribute to Jivana Heyman

Conspirituality Podcast

Conspirituality is a study of converging right-wing conspiracy theories and faux-progressive wellness utopianism.


10: The Anti-Vax Agenda (w/Imran Ahmed)


8: Taking Dr. Christiane Northrup Seriously (w/Professor Jacqueline Antonovich)