90: The Convoy is an Occupation (w/Elizabeth Simons)

We cover a lot of ground in this episode. But to introduce it in seed form, we want to draw your attention to a 15-second video we’ve posted to our Instagram. It shows a little boy, clearly stressed, sitting in the cab of an expensive black pickup truck with the window open, holding his ears against the incredible noise of the air horns as his mother takes a triumphant pan-shot video of a convoy rally.

The clip encapsulates the surreal chaos of a deceptive, astroturfed, funded-from-outside, social-media-driven catastrophe that is right in line with the worst of the conspirituality world. A torrent of misinformation, co-opted trauma, and “freedom-fighters” LARPing, in which children are weaponized by super-pilled parents, in which we can witness the cycles of social neglect and psychic violence turning in real time.

We open today with a review of the Occupation of Ottawa and what we know so far, and a discussion of how our conspirituality friends are co-opting and distorting events in ways that are not only craven, but will increase the chances that this event will end in violence. Finally, Matthew interviews Elizabeth Simons of the Canadian Anti-Hate Network on the deep background, the big picture, and the horizon.

CORRECTION: Matthew incorrectly stated that The Branches Yoga  in Kitchener Waterloo hosted a workshop by Selam Debs. They did not host it, but they did promote it to their community.

Show Notes

Canadian Anti-Hate Network

New Age Healers and Right-Wing Militants Come Together in Ottawa

Canadian Yoga Teacher and Anti-Racism Educator Targetted

The 'Freedom Convoy' Is Nothing But A Vehicle For The Far Right

Mayor of Windsor: “Some occupiers are willing to die.

A Holocaust Denier Is Travelling Across Canada Building Up The Country's Newest Far-Right Militia Movement - Canadian Anti-Hate Network

Canada's “Freedom Convoy” Is a Front for a Right-Wing, Anti-Worker Agenda

Ottawa police discover children living in protesters' trucks | The Star

Freedom Convoy Brings the Far-Right 

The Real Enemy for Truckers is Covid-19

Ottawa state of emergency declared as 'Freedom Convoy' protests continue in Canada with trucks clogging major roads

Elon Musk heaps more praise on trucker convoy in Ottawa to protest vaccine mandates

Conspirituality Podcast

Conspirituality is a study of converging right-wing conspiracy theories and faux-progressive wellness utopianism.


91: We Need to Talk About Stephanie


89: Till Death Do Us Part (w/Mary)