93: Roganomics (w/Daniel Latorre & Jessica Malaty Rivera)

A few weeks ago, you couldn’t turn to a social media platform without seeing that Joe Rogan was trending. The diversity of topics boggled the mind: COVID disinformation; misogyny, pseudoscience; transphobia; and, of course, racism, thanks to the infamous N-word mixtape. Then a parallel argument came through: fair pay for musicians on Spotify. Given that Rogan was given $100 million for his podcasting contract—a number we’d later find out was closer to $200 million—the economic discussion brought another dimension into the conversation. But given all of the topics being discussed, which dimension should we have focused on?

That thought led Derek to write a series of tweets on the topic, followed by a more in-depth Substack article contemplating the three main issues of concern: scientific misinformation, racism, and fair pay. The tweets led to a lot of pushback, which we’ll be looking at through the lens of conversation and debate, as well as a 2021 Pew Research poll on American political typologies. It also led to today’s guests—infectious disease epidemiologist and science communicator, Jessica Malaty Rivera, and civic product leader and community activist, Daniel Latorre—offering their own views on the topics, first on social media, then here on the podcast. But first, we’ll discuss the implications of intersectionality and progressive politics in a world in which social media can distort as much as it amplifies. Matthew will dish on how much he loathes everything Joe Rogan stands for, and why—but also wonders about how pragmatic his seething hatred is, or could be.

Just a note before we begin. Between our last episode—in which Julian caught up with Sara Aniano and dappergander on current events in the QAnon world—and today, Russia has invaded Ukraine, and all of the news is terrible and terrifying. Since the first rockets hit, we’ve been monitoring how conspirituality influencers are responding, and we’ll bring you that data next week, as it continues to show the adaptability of the movement and the willingness of its influencers to say literally anything to remain at the center of the attention and outrage economy.

Show Notes

Joe Rogan: We are in Kali Yuga

Joe Rogan shares Sadhguru: “It is fashionable to suffer”

Matthew Sheffield on Right-Left “balance” on Rogan.

McInnes appearance on Rogan “instrumental” to Proud Boys’ growth: Rolling Stone

Beyond Red vs. Blue: The Political Typology

Race & Class at Spotify

Pivot Counties that Voted Obama-Obama-Trump

Why Rust Belt Cities Voted for Trump

Obama’s Legacy and Hilary’s Loss

Pew Research on “Defund The Police”

The “Great Awokening”—White Progressives Now To The Left of Minorities

Gallup Poll: Mixed Opinions on Transgender Issues

Conspirituality Podcast

Conspirituality is a study of converging right-wing conspiracy theories and faux-progressive wellness utopianism.


94: Conspirituality Goes to War


92: The Quiet Part, Loud (w/Sara Aniano & dappergander)