Relief Project #7: Sam Adler-Bell

The seventh installment of Matthew’s Five Big Questions Posed to an Extremely Thoughtful Person. 

Sam Adler-Bell is a journalist, political theorist, and co-host of one of Matthew’s favourite podcasts, Know Your Enemy—a show about the American right. They discuss the normalization of genocide, the stark comforts of Freud and Janet Malcolm, the relief of DW Winnicott, how we can’t avoid playing the role of our own mothers, and also good advice from his dad, a labour lawyer who knows something about long, uncertain, but always worthwhile battles for the common good. 

Show Notes

Sam Adler-Bell

Conspirituality Podcast

Conspirituality is a study of converging right-wing conspiracy theories and faux-progressive wellness utopianism.

241: Unravelling The Telepathy Tapes


Brief: Tech-Bro Mormonism (w/Blair Hodges)