15: Tantra: Sex, Death, & Chaos (w/Alex Auder)
A modern wellness industry marketed with Shiva-Shakti figurines is yet another example of capitalist yoga in a privileged society.

14: The Problem with Revelation: Psychedelics and Conspiracies (w/Lorna Liana)
Lorna Liana, publisher of Entheonation, talks about the insurgence of conspirituality in the plant medicine and ceremony world. Some neo-shamans, she says, are redpilling plant worshippers during vulnerable states.

13: Religion Can Be A Dangerous Verb (w/Dr Theo Wildcroft)
Dr. Theodora Wildcroft joins us again to discuss how the field of religious studies approaches issues of ritual, value, meaning, charisma, and role-playing, while also leading us through the process by which objects, places, and people become sacred.

12: So You Want To Stop Child Abuse (w/Regan Williams & Dr Theo Wildcroft)
Last week, we started to explore how the real issue of child trafficking is being weaponized by bad-faith actors. This week we’re joined by two experts that explain the overt and subtle impacts involved.

11: Cults and Disaster Spirituality
We discuss cultic organizations being ideally positioned to sell “Disaster Spirituality” (props to Naomi Klein) in times of crisis.

10: The Anti-Vax Agenda (w/Imran Ahmed)
Imran Ahmed, founder of the Center for Countering Digital Hate, joins to discuss how anti-vax leaders and groups are using social media to target and recruit followers.

9: Ableism in Conspiracy Theories (w/Jivana Heyman)
Matthew interviews Jivana Heyman, founder of Accessible Yoga and longtime AIDS activist, about walking the anti-conspirituality line between yoga and public health.

8: Taking Dr. Christiane Northrup Seriously (w/Professor Jacqueline Antonovich)
As Christiane Northrup’s social media feed descends even further into the delusional zone — this week she retweeted explicitly identified QAnon content — we ask Professor Jacqueline Antonovich of Nursing Clio about the history of charisma, magic, and entrepreneurship in women’s wellness.

7: Doctoring COVID: Christiane Northrup’s Great Truther Awakening (w/Britt Hermes)
After three years of naturopathic practice, Britt Hermes left the profession to became its most vocal public critic. We asked her to weigh in on women’s wellness in the pandemic and the appeal of Dr. Northrup.

6: Grappling with the Cult of Trump (w/Steven Hassan)
Pre-eminent cult researcher Steve Hassan joins to talk about his new book, The Cult of Trump, and explore the overlaps between the cults of personality that destroy political, wellness, and spiritual cultures.

5: Disease as a Metaphor (w/Maggie Levantovskaya)
Derek (cancer survivor), Matthew (pulmonary embolism survivor), and Julian (Lyme disease in remission) discuss the function of the beautiful and delusional metaphors of illness and transcendence in conspiritual-ese, applying the discoveries of Susan Sontag and Eula Biss.

4: Racism in Wellness Culture (w/Dr Natalia Petrzela & Dax-Devlon Ross)
We’re joined by New School historian of American fitness, Dr. Natalia Petrzela, who sheds light on the historical links between physical culture and racism, and Dax-Devlon Ross, an anti-racism and civil rights educator, on what white wellness ideology does to Black people.

3: Why Are Spiritual People Vulnerable to Conspiracy Theories?
Tragically, so-called spiritual leaders are trafficking in propaganda while advocating for individual sovereignty. We cover their beat.

2: Conspirituality in Zach Bush and J.P. Sears
To the layperson, Dr. Zach Bush’s vision of a resurrected microbiome as being the answer to modern illnesses sounds appealing. There’s much more to it, however.

1: Coronation for Whom?
Barely two weeks into various stages of lockdown around the world, New Age philosopher Charles Eisenstein published a 9,000-word essay on the meaning of the pandemic. Conspirituality breaks it down.

0.2: The Kelly Brogan Effect & Red Pills
We discuss suspect medical claims made by Kelly Brogan and Sayer Ji. We also talk about Julian’s new essay, “The Red Pill Overlap.”

0.1: Conspiracy Theories & Cult Dynamics
In episode 0.1, we discuss the anti-vax propaganda film, Plandemic, as well as the intersection between conspiracy theories and cults. We also talk about the “red pill” video by comedian JP Sears.