145: Fever Dream Goes Mainstream in Florida
The propaganda and sadism is so despairing that Derek might need religion, and Matthew might lose himself in retro fantasies of Disneyworld. Luckily, Julian talks with Sarasota anti-DeSantis activist Terra Kater about fighting the good fight under the hot sun.
Brief: Roku-Q, The Sequel (w/Alex Kaplan)
Senior online extremism and disinformation researcher, Alex Kaplan of Media Matters joins Julian to share his reporting on the latest developments on QAnon.
144: The Magic Spells of Wellness (w/Colleen Derkatch)
Professor of Rhetoric Colleen Derkatch joins Julian to discuss the techniques of the meaning miasma. Her focus is on wellness rhetoric specifically, and how it points to incipient illness, encourages recreational diagnostics, and describes daily routines as liturgies that grant membership in divine communities.
Brief: Flood the Zone (w/Dr Dan Wilson)
Answering the current wave of confusing vaccine misinformation. Julian is joined by molecular biologist Dr. Dan Wilson.
Brief: Reggae Muzak
Derek looks at the cultural damage done when musicians co-opt musical styles to promote their own propaganda, which is often at odds with the social struggles of the oppressed class that created the music.
142: Destination Rabbit Hole (w/Anna Merlan)
The Valentine's Day weekend crystals and angel cards fest of disjointed spirituality meets dodgy science, Conscious Life Expo, just celebrated its 21st year as the premiere gathering point for awakened seekers choosing to come out of sovereign superposition and manifest in space-time reality.
141: Does Canada Want Suffering Citizens to Die? (w/Taslim Alani-Verjee)
Psychologist and ethics professor Dr. Taslim Anali-Verjee joins Matthew to discuss the ethical labyrinth of MAiD expansion, and how the altruistic quest for patient autonomy and dignity can run afoul of the neoliberal state's failure to provide the necessaries.
Brief: Bikram Convoy Stopped by His Survivors
Hot yoga tycoon and sex offender Bikram Choudhury was set to teach his sweaty pseudoscience in Vancouver starting on February 20th. But a team of yoga allies, led by a woman who has sued Choudhury for rape, said "Fuck off.”
140: Surviving Larry (w/Daniel Levin & Zach Heinzerling)
Today, Hulu releases a 3-episode doc series called “Stolen Youth,” directed by Zach Heinzerling. The pole star for this low-dopamine, low-cortisol, non-true-crime, survivor-centred documentary is Daniel Levin’s painful and radiant memoir, Slonim Woods 9.
139: Comedy in the MAGAverse (w/Jordan Klepper)
Daily Show correspondent and host of the podcast, Fingers the Conspiracy, Jordan Klepper, joins us to talk about the cursed world of conspiracies that he’s witnessed, up close and in person, with the people who spread them, what it was like to be at the Capitol on Jan 6, and the bewildering intersection of comedy and politics.
Brief: Long Live Guru Jagat (w/Emily Guerin)
Matthew sits down with Emily Guerin to explore how we cover figures like Katie Griggs, aka Guru Jagat, what it was like to interview her family, and what we can ultimately say about the compromised feminist empowerment she offered her followers—and whether she could have taken another route.
138: The Magical Quantum Healy Machine (feat/Mallory DeMille)
This week we’re talking about the Healy. Our correspondent, Mallory DeMille, has scanned the ethereal social media frequencies to find a greatest hits collection of influencers attempting to energetically guide you into their downline. But we have to wonder: why is it that the same wellness crew that’s afraid of 5G and vaccine technology is so willing to wear this mysterious device?
Brief: Tate Crime
Did the Matrix kidnap Top G? Or is Andrew Tate the Matrix himself, now unplugged and shorting out in a Romanian jail?
137: Addiction & The Wounded Influencer (w/Chris Boutte)
This week we look at the wounded healer through the lens of Russell Brand, among others. This leads to Derek’s interview with YouTuber and podcaster, Chris Boutte, aka The Rewired Soul, who happens to be in recovery and watched firsthand as Russell went from helpful figure to shadowy archetype.
Brief: Teal Swan’s Satanic Panic to Anti-Woke Pipeline
New Age Satanic Panic influencer Teal Swan released a new video to 1.5M YouTube subscribers about the dangers of "Wokeism." We respond.
136: Virtual Strongmen (w/Ruth Ben-Ghiat)
Today we’re looking at the new strongmen at the top of our political circuses. According to our guest, strongman-whisperer historian Ruth Ben-Ghiat, they’re of new breed. They’re not the steampunk fascists of 100 years ago. They’re not Cold War autocrats, installed by the CIA. These guys are posters. They do not need to seize the means of production. Their goal is to disrupt the production of meaning.
Brief: Is Jordan Peterson Really a Licensed Psychologist?
Dr. Taslim Alani-Verjee joins Matthew to do some 101 work on Jordan Peterson’s commitments to the profession that gives him clout and credibility.
135: The Persuaders (w/Anand Giridharadas)
Our guest is journalist, author, and political analyst, Anand Giridharadas. Julian spoke with him about his new book, The Persuaders, in which he profiles people on the ground working to change minds, bridge divisions and fight for democracy. The Persuaders offers inspiration to those who refuse to accept that a rigid polarization in which no one ever changes their mind, is the new normal.
Brief: Libs Of TikTok Cries Cult
Chaya Raichik of Libs of TikTok calls the LGBTQ+ community a cult. Does this mean the term has lost all meaning?
134: Elon Musk, Buddhabro? (w/Ann Gleig and Brenna Artinger)
Here to help us understand this strange world—and what kind of Buddhism could make Elon Musk a better human, if he gave a shit—are Dr. Ann Gleig, associate professor of religion and cultural studies at University of Central Florida, and independent scholar Brenna Artinger.