157: Science & Sensibility
How did “following the science” get so confusing during the pandemic? As the publication of our book draws closer, Derek shares his best practices for science literacy, and examples of where grifters and conspiracists maximized confusion to exploit wellness consumers.

Special Report: Taking Alberta Backwards (w/Jeremy Appel)
Jeremy Appel, founder of The Orchard, joins Matthew for a masterclass on how things got so bad in Alberta, and how conspirituality played a key role.

156: Medical Medium (w/Dan Adler)
Medical Medium, aka Anthony William, gained many of his 4.4M IG followers thanks to his declaration that celery juice can heal you from many ailments that science hasn’t figured out. Vanity Fair staff writer, Dan Adler, joins to discuss at least one person harmed by MM’s harmful claims.

Brief: RFK Jr., The Anti-Vax Candidate
Another Kennedy is running for President. But discussion of his anti-vaccine activism often overlooks how it affects people with autism. Julian talks to Eric Michael Garcia, political correspondent for The Independent, and author of We're Not Broken: Changing The Autism Conversation, about the human cost.

155: We Want Them Infected (w/Jonathan Howard, M.D.)
Dr. Jonathan Howard joins to discuss his new book, We Want Them Infected.

154: The Truth Wars (w/Renée DiResta)
Renée DiResta, a writer and research manager at Stanford Internet Observatory, talks about conspiracies, terrorism, and information warfare.

Brief: Why Does Every Conspiracy Theory Lead Back to Antisemitism? (w/Ben Cohen)
Derek talks with The Banter founder, Ben Cohen, about the modern state of antisemitism and the questionable tactics of Russell Brand and Aubrey Marcus.

153: The Anti-Sunscreen Movement (w/Sara Aniano & Michelle Wong)
Derek talks to ADL disinformation analyst Sara Aniano and cosmetic chemist Michelle Wong about the anti-sunscreen movement.

Brief: Marianne Williamson’s Spiritual Therapy Schtick
To see how her sleight-of-hand works, Matthew examines two classic Marianne Williamson encounters to show that the answers she gives on the stump aren’t much different from the answers she gives on her New Age retreats.

152: Tulsi Gabbard’s Krishna Consciousness (w/Nitai Joseph)
What does it mean for a prominent American politician to come into power as the sleeper cell of an eccentric Hindu-American cult? Nitai Joseph shares heritage with Tulsi Gabbard, as he also grew up in a Hare Krishna sect. He joins to discuss this lineage.

151: Satan Wants You Watch Party (Spoilers)
Canadian filmmakers Sean Horlor and Steve Adams have a new documentary out called “Satan Wants You,” and it fills in a lot of the blanks in our prior “Swan Song Series” reporting with incredible archival footage and brave interviews from friends and family members.

Brief: Unmasking Liana Shanti (w/Jennings Brown)
Who is Liana Shanti, and why isn’t she Liane Wilson any more? Matthew talks to Jennings Brown to uncover an answer.

150: Spiritual Influencer Theory
Julian and Matthew go big-picture in this tour through all the elements that construct and drive spiritual Influencers.

Brief: The Promises & (Mostly) Perils of Ketamine Therapy
With Ketamine Wellness Centers and Field Trip Health shutting down ketamine clinics across the country, are psychedelic entrepreneurs placing too much emphasis on scaling and shareholders and not enough on healing, even though their marketing efforts claim the opposite?

149: Spiritual Heartbreak
Six stories of Spiritual Heartbreak from Conspirituality’s Patreon supporters.

Brief: The Spirituality of Vaccine & Mask Panics
Why do so many inflammatory culture war issues crystallize around vaccines and masks? What is so compelling about these forms of public health and mutual aid, that they become central to the right-wing imagination? Matthew argues that even those are surface stories, covering over a trembling anxiety about the status of the body in relation to the State, and God.

148: Marianne Williamson and Asshole Jesus
Marianne Williamson is running for president…again. How does her history with and belief in A Course in Miracles affect her campaign? And what about those charges of interpersonal abuse?

147: The Censorship Megaphone
Researching and documenting digital disinformation—and coordinating to combat its malevolent agendas—is now all being described as a pseudo-academic scam, a hoax covering up an authoritarian liberal campaign of vile and secretive censorship.

146: The Reality of Online Child Abuse (w/Håkon Høydal)
Matthew sits down with Håkon Høydal, an investigative journalist in Norway who has spent years researching and exposing the most abject behaviors on the dark web.

Special Interview: Nostalgia for the Superego (w/Sam Binkley)
Matthew sits down with Sam Binkley, Professor of Sociology at Emerson College in Boston to discuss his 2007 book Getting Loose: Lifestyle Consumption in the 1970s.